• 017 waterdrops

Nov 29, 2010 16:03


--ouch! Hey! [One can see Katara squeezing through throngs of people, bumping against some of them. Maybe she's searching for someone? But really, she's usually just an early bird.]

Is it already that time where... we get so many visitors? [She mumbles this to herself before picking up her device to address Sokka and Toph, but then she ( Read more... )

stupid npc, pls to be bugging her, meet and greet, curse: 4th wall, not amused

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your comments doubled since I last refreshed this moedohl November 29 2010, 18:39:46 UTC
Uwah! Wh- what did I say?


I know, right? *A* isn't amazing~? /hugs all of you who responded! 1/2 drizzlinginside November 29 2010, 18:50:28 UTC
You said something about--


drizzlinginside November 29 2010, 18:51:04 UTC
[Double take time!]

Tyr, is that you?


moedohl November 29 2010, 20:27:11 UTC
[ He nods!! ] Ya! It's me, Tweer MoeDohl! Who're yooou?


1/2 drizzlinginside November 30 2010, 01:40:55 UTC
[She blinks for a sec. Tweer MoeDohl?]


drizzlinginside November 30 2010, 01:42:50 UTC
[Awwww! This must be a young Tyr! The one she met before in that curse and-- kyaaaa!]

Hello there, Tweer! It's nice to meet you, my name's Katara! Do you know where you are?


1/2 moedohl November 30 2010, 01:52:49 UTC
[ Actually, he's from the end of the war, but what are canonpoints with gag versions of characters? His smile gets wiiiide! ]

Nice t'meet yew, Katawa!


moedohl November 30 2010, 01:53:48 UTC
[ Then he pouts. ]

B- but, I... I dunno where I am... Dis isn't Scarette Moon, is it?


drizzlinginside November 30 2010, 02:05:11 UTC
[Canonpoints are irrelevant! She would have kyaaa'd more seeing that smile, but she begins to worry. Tweer can't be alone for long!]

No, I'm afraid it's not... [Short pause.] Can you at least tell me what you see around you? I'll fetch you right now.


moedohl November 30 2010, 02:45:40 UTC
[ He pauses, looking around with wide eyes~ It's all so new to him! ]

There're lots and lots of big buildings.


drizzlinginside November 30 2010, 02:49:30 UTC
What else? [Oh, but she's using the device to locate you now.] Tweer's a good boy, right? Please tell me what other things you see?


moedohl November 30 2010, 03:05:00 UTC
I'mma man, Katawa...! B, but there's lots of people, too. They're evewywhere!


drizzlinginside November 30 2010, 03:07:50 UTC
[Aw, he calls himself a man! SO CUTE! She'll be giving him her warmest smile.] Yes, they are! Can you see me now, though? [She's just asking because maybe he's near? Also looking around for you now, Tweer.]


moedohl November 30 2010, 03:28:47 UTC
[ The sad thing is, he was serious. He looks around moooore. There are so many people. ] I dunno... Ummm...


drizzlinginside November 30 2010, 04:08:15 UTC
[And after a few more moments of searching, she finds him. Have an overjoyed Katara going for a hug now! Tweer, why so squishy?] There you are! [Hugging forever.] I'm glad no one bumped on you or anything. Are you alright?


moedohl December 1 2010, 17:03:29 UTC
[ His muscles are made of down feathers, that's why. He's a little taken-aback by the hug, blushing and flailing before hugging her back. ] Y- ya. I'm ok. No wan could hurt me enyway!!


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