• 012 waterdrops

Sep 22, 2010 20:35

[Accidental Video;]

[The video flickers on with the view of Katara and Sokka's kitchen. Okay, their apartment's kitchen. Say hello to the kitchen, everyone! The device is sitting on the table, near where chopped vegetables are, and the one who's manning, or at least woman-ing (?), the kitchen comes to view. No other than Katara, of course.

Now you're all treated to a free cooking show as everyone of you see her getting the carrots and chopping them. Chop chop chop. She's very used to it, isn't she? But then, she stops, takes one sliced carrot and tosses it inside her mouth.]

... Not bad. I didn't know carrots can taste like-- [And before she even finishes that thought, she tosses another one and another and another... soon, she's eating everything she sliced curiously. Not only that but she grabs the other carrots she hasn't sliced yet and starts munching.

This isn't weird at all!]

What.. am I.. [Munch munch] ... doing eating.. all these.. [MUUUUNCH] ... carrots?! [Shocked face of pure shock goes here.] I- I can't stop eating!

[As she's feasting like a bunny starved to death, she can be seen fighting her urges (which will be in the form of one hand preventing the other from picking more carrots and stuffing her mouth with them) but not winning. She also sees the communicator recording. Not. Good.]

HEY, STOP THAT! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO TURN ON DURING THE-- MMMFFF! [The device is saved from Katara-tsun by another carrot. Someone please save the bunny girl. In the meantime, Katara gets her device with her free hand and turns it off.]

[End Video;]

-huey, tsun tsun, not amused, not hungry, -mr. orange, not a rabbit, -rita, wassup doc?, not lola bunny, not bugs bunny, -umi, carrots aren't rice, not gonna live this down, -sokka, -tyr, curse: rabbit day

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