Oct 07, 2012 15:27

Самое макаберное место в Риме - Il Convento dei Cappuccini, Капуцинская Капелла. Основана она была в 1631 году францисканцами, прозванными капуцинами из-за их ряс с огромными капюшонами. В своих недрах обитель скрывает склеп из нескольких комнат, стены которых и потолок замысловато украшены человеческими костями и черепами.
В 1775 году церковку посетил Маркиз де Сад и оставил следующее описание:
"A German priest of this house created a monument of funerary art worthy of an English mind: niches, vaults, ceiling ornaments of pleasant, regular design, lamps, crosses, and so on, all made out of bones and skulls, in six or seven adjoining rooms. In every niche and under every arch there are well-preserved skeletons placed in various poses, some recumbent, some preaching and some in prayer. All these skeletons are dressed in the Capuchin habit and some have beards. I have never seen anything more striking. To make still more of an impression, this monument should not be seen by day but in the glow of the funeral lamps burning inside it, but the need to purify the air of this cavern constantly means that all the windows are kept and the bright sunlight always reigning there greatly diminishes the horror. The various graves of these good friars are distributed in each of these small chambers like stones in a garden, and the sight of death surrounding them on all sides does not prevent them from being as cheerful as in the rest of Europe".
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