Jul 19, 2004 22:17
Hello Journal.
So a lot of bad shit has happened to me the last month.
First of all my cell phone broke. It sucks because I have lame ass Sprint and their phones are fucking astronomically expensive. I have like another year and a half left on my contract also. I have the money to buy a new phone but it makes me so mad that I have to spend 300 bucks to get a decent one. Here's the thing, all of their phones start out at like 200 bucks for the bogus budget piece of ish. I, of course want a camera or video phone, so the cheapest is 300 bones. There is also this janky rebate where I can mail this card in and get 150 bucks back so that makes the phone 150 bucks. The think is it takes 2 to 16 weeks to get that 150 bucks back. Im also afraid that they won't give me a rebate or it will get lost in the mail or some crazy shit will happen where I dont get the rebate and Im out that 150 bucks. So in the end, Im out a cell phone and too damn cheap to buy a new one.
Second, I broke my key off in my ignition. How you ask? I guess with my Incredible Hulk strengh. The fucking key wouldn't turn off one day so I tried to force it and the fucker just snapped off in my hand. I can still drive it but have to use a carpet knife to jam in the ignition to start the damn thing.
Third, the other day I locked my keys in my car. This happened because since my key is broke off in the ignition I don't need a key to start the car, so in turn I lay my keys in my dash compartment. My dumb ass got out and locked them in the fucker. The only other key in the world to that car was on my ring inside the car so I had a dilema. I called a locksmith and they wanted 80 bucks to come open the damn thing. So that was bascically a no from the start. So then I tried a hangar. Then the story gets good. I was at work in the parking lot, in a hundred degree day at noon, on the pavement struggling to get the door open with a hangar. Then this fucking asshead starts watching me work at it. I didn't pay any attention to him but then all of the sudden he runs up to me. Turns out he thinks Im breaking into the car. Why?? I guess cause I have a faux hawk, plugs and look like a fucking hooligan I guess?? But the thing is I was wearing my Cold Stone uniform while I was doing this. So basically I was wearing a visor and an apron with an ice cream cone on it with my nametag too. I guess criminals roll like this now. He came up to me and demanded I prove to him right then and there that this was my car. Well too bad for him that I don't take shit like that lightly. I turned to him and told him that I was having a really bad day and if he knew what was good for him he would mind his own fucking business and get the hell away from me. Then he said he was trying to protect other people's property. So then I told him he was a fucking loon because this was my property and I would punch the fucking windows out if I wanted too. The best part is he told me that because it had an Illinois license plate I was most likely trying to break into it. First of all, if I wanted to break into it I don't think I would spend a half hour trying. Second of all I guess he has never locked his keys in his car because he apparantely had no idea what I was doing with the hangar. Third of all, he had sunglasses from the early 90s with fat pink ear pieces so he makes me even more angry. So he went away and I got my car open finally with a crowbar. But I really fucked the car up and bent the shit out of the door and scratched the hell out of it and now it sounds like you have the window cracked when you drive down the highway and I hate that sound. Then to top it off, I was at a gas station and backed into this pole and totally tore the shit out of the passenger side of the car. That was the same damn day too! Also while I was trying to use a hangar to open the door I fucked the door up on the inside so I can't open it from the outside anymore. Just like Robert's old Bonne.
Theres more bad shit but this fucking asshole next to me won't quit trying to read my journal so Im done for now. What a prick.