"Get me box of condoms and.....I used to eat it all the time back in the day......oh yeah, Pussy"

Feb 05, 2004 11:58

+ Show Report: MadCap- Sucks
Fallout Boy - Played OK (Jumping around so much makes songs sound bad)
HomeGrown - Played like pros. They sounded like they were playing the CD
Mest - FAGS. They are fucking cocky nerds. They called the crowd lazy
fatasses because the whole place wasn't jumping around. Then they
called a fan a fatass right in front of everyone. They also had an
an elaborate set that looked like chicago and a huge banner behind
the set. GAY
All in all I think it was a serious waste of 13 bucks and I hope FOB is
better next time I see them.

+ So I'm at school chillin. I had to do an Improv speech today on the banana slug?!? What the fuck is a banana slug, and why would anyone put that subject into the hat. We had to draw from a hat then get right up and do the speech with no prep time. The topics I put in the hat were: Orville Redenbocker, LSD, the Gila Monster, and a toilet. If I would have thought I would have put Anal Sex in the mix.

+ Robert I need your address so I can send that DVD out.

+ Sorry for the movie quote for the subject but I can get it out of my head.

+ I want to come out to Illinois and rock it with some Midwesterners. My pal AJ is coming back with me in April so we can kick it in Chicago, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. Yes, quite the exciting road adventure.

Oh yeah go here and check out my other journal thingy. Also you can see some more of my friends.http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=773004&Mytoken=20040205165342
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