Apr 13, 2007 20:00
sketch 1: manila cathedral
he was in awe of th architecture. in th midst of so many people jostling & murmuring, i ached for something to hang onto & it was him i reached for, hungry, unthinking. he pointed out th carvings on th ceilings, th doors, th great painstaking attention to detail. i held onto his hand like a child holds onto a banister, atop a great height. i stared blankly up at th wooden faces of saints, then around at th wooden faces of people pressing in all around me. my hand gripped his. atop a great height, i swung my body out into free fall, like a child, like a child getting lost for th very first time.
sketch 2: cor. gen. luna & soriano
one smooth fluid motion i hoisted myself up onto th narrow ledge sticking out from th stone wall. a building corner, & th church was in plain view. above my head, tiles spelled out: GEN. LUNA. "tic," he said, lighting a cigarette. "tile a 'tic' at th end & you'd make a pretty picture,"
i looked out over th seething crowd spilling like colored foam from th church's mouth. we couldn't spot his family. people who passed us were eye-level with my knees & as if to protest, they looked defiantly up at me, as i pressed my back into th cold stone building, swung my feet, blew smoke in grey swirls over their heads. a general lunatic. i pulled th jacket tight around my shoulders, reached down for his hand & helped him up to sit beside me, his rightful throne. a general, a lunatic.
sketch 3: registration