Originally published at
Deadly Fredly. Please leave any
comments there.
Origins Game Fair introduced me to
Jeni’s Ice Creams in its original
North Market location. In other words, bliss.
I love these “
cow to cone” guys, but they’re local to Ohio, and while I do consider them reason enough to travel to Origins, it only happens once a year. So we’ve taken to making the
occasional delivery order - affordable within their closest delivery area, at least, as you can get 9 pints packed in dry ice shipped to you for all of a $10 charge, making each pint cost between $9 and $10. That might sound pricey, but Jeni’s quality is completely worth it. That’s not to say that every flavor is an instant hit for me, but the quality and craftsmanship of each one is undeniable. This is the sort of ice-cream that I like to shallowly skim with a spoon, so I can put just the right amount on my tongue to melt before going to the next. Jeni’s flavors lends themselves to savoring.
Here’s a quick tour of the flavors I’ve tried from the two shipments we’ve had so far. I’ll include their descriptions, then my comments.
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