Jun 02, 2009 18:07
May featured yet more of me having no time for One Bad Egg, due to the advent of a higher-paying contract job (art direction & layout for Hero Games), Dresden Files RPG priority items, and the impending birth of my daughter (due date: June 14th).
Can't exactly feel bad about that. :)
Apelord: 178 (up 2 this month)
Unbroken: 112 (up 5 this month)
Half-Dead: 131 (up 4 this month)
Death-Mother: 92 (up 1 this month)
Gods: 111 (up 9 this month)
Shroudborn: 75 (up 0 this month)
Cultures: 253 (up 16 this month)
Syrallax: 63 (up 4 this month)
Purifiers: 44 (up 1 this month)
Witch Doctor: 90 (up 4 this month)
Armies: 215 (up 39 this month)
If I get a chance, we'll have a new, really large, product out sometime this coming month (I'm not talking about the baby). Will I get that chance? Can't say.
egg sales,
one bad egg,