I glanced at it in the comic shop last Friday. I don't remember much in the way of details, but it was very positive and called out the copious examples/explanatory text as a good thing.
Or you could, you know, buy a copy. It's a great magazine.
The review was overall positive, but I didn't agree with all of the conclusions. I felt that the reviewer hadn't actually played it and playing it makes a big difference with a game that takes such a different approach.
...While I understand your point, it's generally "good form" to give a person a copy of a review of their product/service/whatever for free if they ask. It shows a level of professionalism.
Comments 5
The review was overall positive, but I didn't agree with all of the conclusions. I felt that the reviewer hadn't actually played it and playing it makes a big difference with a game that takes such a different approach.
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