Evil Hat is looking at creating a promotional, holiday-themed giveaway PDF, hopefully something we can sling out there by or around Thanksgiving. It'll be free to all, and as far as its advertising value goes, it'll be oriented on pointing folks at Spirit of the Century (and some of
chadu's Atomic Sock Monkey products as well).
Right now I'm figuring on mining clipart.com for some pieces to use with it, but I wanted to throw this out there -- if anyone artistically inclined that's reading this journal thinks they might be willing to do up a couple quick holiday doodles to spec, we'd be happy to look at using those instead of clipart.com in exchange for giving you a page at the back of the giveaway to promote your online artness -- talk about your website, your willingness to do character commissions as a holiday sale thing, whatever.
That'd be as far as we could take the compensation, but this is a "free for all, including Evil Hat" project, so hopefully this doesn't come off poorly. (We're very good about paying our artists on our for-pay projects!)
Anyway, if you think you'd be interested, drop me an email at evilhat AT-MARK gmail DOT com and show me your online portfolio. At the *very* least it'll mean you get put in my artists' rolodex on del.icio.us, which I plan to browse for future projects. (And heck, let me know about you even if you're not interested in giving us a few seasonal doodles, so I can get you in the aforementioned rolodex!)