So how have the last five quarters been for Evil Hat? In Q32006, DRYH was freshly out and sales were going strong. At the tail end of that quarter, the preorder for Spirit of the Century started up, boosting Q32006 into being our strongest to date. But the other four that have followed haven't been shabby, and Q32007 beats Q32006 in several ways (it's more of a tie in terms of dollar amounts, which I'm not graphing here, due to the hardcover-heavy factor in the SOTC preorder, I think).
By-Quarter Total Print vs. PDF Sales
By-Quarter Total Sales (Stacked)
By-Product By-Quarter Print & PDF Breakdown
Don't Rest Your Head Quarterly Sales
Don't Rest Your Head Print vs PDF Ratios
Don't Rest Your Head Vendor Ratios
Spirit of the Century Quarterly Sales
Spirit of the Century Print vs PDF Ratios
Spirit of the Century Vendor Ratios
I can't say as I was expecting the graphs to quite look like this. Spirit of the Century's steady upward trend -- even without PDF sales factored in -- is something of a surprise, and I believe it reflects a steadily increasing amount of traction at local gamestores through IPR's retail program, among other things. The conventions in Q32007 certainly didn't hurt that either, but I see those as deferred website and retail sales, ultimately