I don't care that anyone on my flist who likes Arashi has already seen this, and I don't care that I only posted the short version a few days ago. If you've seen it, now you can watch it again. And if you haven't, watch it now! And you should watch it to the very very end. If you don't, you'll miss something adorable! (HEY LAUREN, YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS. Oh, and just so you know, now you've watched Nino cam and I know I can convince you to watch Arashi videos, I will not stop until you love them. :D)
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Oh oh oh! Speaking of adorable things! Earlier there were baby foxes in the garden! There were five of them and they were running around and chasing each other and play fighting and it was so adorable oh my god. And while they were running all over the garden, mother!fox was sitting at the back watching them it was so adorable djkfhsaklj