Price - About $100
I don't expect anyone to get me any shoes except for my dad. But I'm posting them because they are, oh-so-cool.
Black and white tuxedo shoes, A.K.A. OMG!Brown leather shoes, very nice and casual looking, A.K.A. Shoes with my name all over them. MUSIC
Price - You know CD cost anywhere from 12-16 dollars
Anything by CAKEKILL BILL soundtrackAnything by Blur except The Grestest Hits Odds and ends
Price - It varys...
Anything nightmare before christmas! (I want the bathroom set for when I move out! I may buy it on my own though <3<3)Anything Invader Zim, be warned I do have the gir shoelaces, the messenger bag, the I AM ZIM shirt (Michael I want that back someday...), The Gir with the doggy hood down sticker, the notebook paper, the gir in dog suit patch and that's about it. Haha.THIS WATCH OR ANYTHING AT
Thank yous
ERICA! Thanks for the Zim notebook paper and the Nightmare bracelet <3<3<3