Nov 27, 2001 11:07
Well following this train (I'm sure headed straight to hell) of existentialism. I think my favorite comedian Bill Hicks said it best "Maybe people can see that what they have learned doesn't make it in fact right, just learned." when he talked about evolving ideas.
First off let me do as I love and make a disclaimer. I have an 11th grade education. Home life being what it was and under the crackhead advice of a backwater georgia high school adviser I dropped out of school. I would say I am "fairly" well read. My attention span is horrible and skips from on subject to another following threads that I can't even see sometimes. I have made a significant effort ever since then to try to continue to learn both from my environment and from resources available to me. At one time I fancied (Yeah I just like to say fancied) myself a renaissance man. That was a long time ago. My recent post on my philosophies or "brain vomit" I will support by saying only that I wish to continue the process of learning. Which hopefully no one wants to stop after the end of their "formal" education. Continuing rant...
Memorized, learned, or comprehended ideas are just those, ideas. Just for the fact that something is learned does not necassarily mean that it is "right" nor that it can be put into action easily. How many times do we do things every day that we know are not "right"? If you started counting when you woke up (for some with that first cigarette) you could probably kill a rain-forest amount of paper writing them down till noon. The concept of right/wrong good/evil is so vague at times that it is almost beyond perception. Ask anyone on the street if the homeless should be fed and you will generally get a resounding "YES!" . Follow those people 4 blocks down the street and you will see them get in a $50,000 Lincoln Navigator (walking past 176 homeless people)to get there. I am not doing anything new here pointing out peoples hyporcricy in knowing and doing. Most people do that enough to themselves. I think I can use Gi. Joe here and say "Knowing is half the battle.". Before I get accused of being a "hippie" let me say that this perspective can be used for the most selfish reasons, less bullshit. The world is never going to be a perfect place (as long as we continue to tolerate the exsistence of NASCAR). The fact that perfection in ones motives and actions can never be achieved is not a valid excuse (believe me I tried). If we as individuals continue to try to discern when we are going against what we personally believe and do not support or encourage that behavior then there might be less of it. Even if it only makes the person doing it sleep a little better at night it might improve the general attitude during rush hour.