May 29, 2002 04:02
So decided to undelete this thing for some reason. Mayb it's bordom or maybe it's the never ending search for something/one to relate to. Who knows. Who cares. Guess I'll do it for a little while once again. Seems to be my approach to about everything in life.
So as a subject. Work. Everyone always concentrates so heavily on the modern concept of it. 9-5 or 3-11. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. To be a "worthy" person. Doesn't much seem to matter why or what we work for as long as we dronve away at something we are given respect for it. What to work for though? I mean everyone wants to "love" thier work. It's part of the american dream but for how many is it really a reality. Not many. I mean quite a few many enjoy the "rewards" work affords them. What if what is rewarding to most is not motivating to another? I mean anyone could pretty much see where this is leading. Take it where you want to go.