Untitled (Fushigi Yuugi, Nakago/Soi, T)

Sep 26, 2010 18:37

Title: --
Author: yukari_rin
Series: Fushigi Yuugi
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Nakago/Soi
Theme: Temperance
Rating: T, for mentions of sex.
Word Count: 425
Summary: In the darkness Soi remembers her life before Nakago.
Notes: For sahara_storm just because. Someday I will write you something happy for these two, I promise!
Disclaimer: Fushigi Yuugi and related properties belong to Watase Yuu and related parties.

Someone want to give this a title?

The dawn was still far off as Soi woke, eyes blinking into the darkness of Nakago's quarters. She rolled onto her side to face the general asleep but aware beside her.

And once more, she thanked the deity she wasn't quite certain she believed in for bringing her into his life.

As a child in the brothel she quickly learned how alcohol affects a man's behavior while stoking a woman. It was a cruel education; at times violent, at times requiring her to do little more than pretending she was dead. The smell of liquor lingered in her clothing and sheets, she imagined it had even seeped into the grey and dreary walls of her room. The men's hands would always fumble, their words nothing more than mumbles. The wetness of their lips and tongues along the surface of her skin...

But with Nakago it was entirely different.

As the highest ranking general in the land he made sure that his senses were never dulled by drink. Even as a younger soldier working his way through the ranks he never lost himself in the liquors passed through military camps and sold cheaply in public houses along the road. And so whenever they coupled he was alert, and she discovered that it was possible to take pleasure in a man as he took pleasure in her.

There was a confidence in his hands as the discovered her body's secrets, a sureness in the way he moved his mouth and tongue just so, banking on the sighs and moans Soi could not keep silent. Sometimes he smelled of sweat and horses; it was those times she imagined they were making love outside, and the thrill of it would make her more adventurous. Other times Nakago would come to her cleaned after a battle, and she would use her hands to rub the tightness from his arms and back.

Love-making in camp was a delightful experience, even in the Northern territories of Hokkan. The thick fur covering their entwined bodies, wet with perspiration and fluids as their breaths shown white in the air inside their yurt.

In an odd way, Soi thought as she drifted back to sleep, scooting closer to the powerful blond, she was thankful to the drunks who had educated her. It was because of them she did not have to fear Nakago even when the violence he was feeling internally caused him to bruise her. Because for every bruise there were hundreds of soft caresses and gentle words that he only uttered for her.
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