Jul 18, 2006 00:48
Yeah, I fucked this one up a bit and made up a day, no wonder why I was so confused.
Day 7.12.06
-I had to open again this morning. Luckily I got some good night sleep so I wasn't so bad/dumb/high when I showed up. I got there 5 min late, and of course the same manager from yesterday opened with me and got there early. She didn't give a shit so it was fine.
-Nothing too eventfull happened today at work as far as I remember.
-That night, I invited Mike and Shauna over to smoke. I was watching Superman when Shauna showed up and then was suddenly involved in a scolding from my father for some unknown reason, rudely interupting me from my show. Turns out, like always, Mike fucking parked so that anyone driving past his car would have to go onto my neighbor's yard. They've already complained about us doing that and my dad has already asked me a bunch of times not to have my friends park there. But to be fair, they had just showed up, and I had told them how to park. So there was no possible way in hell I could have prevented the parking job before my dad arrived and impatiently (and to prove a point?) drove on my neighbor's lawn to get to the garage, prompting his 5 minute long heated lecture. Anyways, we did some shit, played Super Smash Brothers, and of course hit the waterfall. We talked about forming a club and about how I was the secertary or some shit and that we were going to make shirts? I don't know, but luckily I was able to kick them out and fall asleep around 1.
Day 7.13.06
-Opening isn't that bad, until you do it three times in a row for two weeks in a row. I was getting tired of it. Plus I saw on the schedule that I had to work on my birthday. And close the day before. At least I got Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off. Well I did until Jenae asked for me to cover her shift on Tuesday. I had nothing better to do, plus I don't have many hours next week.
-I opened with Mrs. Young who is asian, so naturally she is maticulous to the point it would drive the most rational mind to the brink of insanity. She made me write a (because she didn't know how to write) paragraph to Jenae about everything she did wrong when she closed. Gay. I of couse was still a little under the influence of marijuana while I worked this morning, but to be honest it made is so much more fun. Before I was paranoid and it kind of was scary, but today was buck wild. I certianly enjoyed myself.
-I passed the fuck out until 6ish I believe once I got home from work. I think my mom kept asking me to do stuff, and I kept an eye on Christian for a few hours.
-Mike came over to bum some Adderoll off of me. He had smoked me out on numerous occasions, so I obliged. He also told me he was going to rehab? I was confused.
-I was supposed to clean my dirty ass room, and was actually about to but that night had something else in mind.
-That night I don't even know what led to the series of events which transpired. I'll try to explain the basic layout: There are two parties. One in Vienna and one near GMU. Aparently Mike wants to make an appearance at one, and Cathleen needed to be home in a few hours. Mike and Cathleen come over to my house and roll a disel ass blunt. We take two 40's and all drive to Steve's house. We drop Mike's car and then all get into Steve's car. We smoke el blunt. Things begin to get fuzzy. Cathleen and I have long talk about socializing, time, relativity, and the creation of life. We take Cathleen home. We drive back to my house to get my N64. We drive to an indisclosed location, invite Mike Rutledge to join us, and begin sipping our 40's. We ignore the Vienna party and get to the GMU party as it is ending. Rudy won't smoke, but he kept wanting to do whip-its. The GMU party is gay so we take Rudy back to his car, get food at 7-11, and then go back to Steve's house to play Super Smash Brothers. I fall asleep at 3. They stayed up until 6 or so. More or less.
Day 7.14.06
-I woke up on Steve's couch at 10:45 am. I had work at 3:45 pm. I felt really good. I was relaxed and was rested I felt. For some reason, Steve took the day off of work saying he was sick, so Mike and I had to come up with something for him to do.
-Mike dropped his car off somewhere in Vienna, and then Steve drove us back to Mike's house. I didn't want to be a burdon on Steve and make me take him home, so I just went to David's house, who lives right next door. I knew he could get me home because he had actually been planing to go to my house, as soon as I got home, so he could borrow the second season of Justice Leauge from me. It worked out.
-I helped the cleaning ladies load stuff into there car.
-Something got to me today. I really took a step back and thought about me, smokeing, drinking, and that shit in general. I mean, I had been smoking and drinking almost non-stop this summer and nothing has been there to tell me not too do it, except my good judgement. Yet that's been suppressed by the fact that I drink and smoke every other day. I decided to take a break from those two things, do some research, and see what I decide to do, and if I want to keep smoking after I have a clear mind. This break will be after my birthday of couse.
-I worked from 3:45 pm till close. I still hadn't gotten anyone to fucking cover my shift on my birthday. My manager took a few hours off, but still. That is gayer than aids that no one will man up and just take my easy ass shift on my fucking birthday. Finally someone agreed to switch my saturday with their sunday shift from 3 pm untill close. This only meaning that I had to be back by 3 on Sunday (the day after my buck wild drunken shitfaced debuachary known as my birthday). Knowing how hungover I would be, I knew I wouldn't make it, but beggars can't be choosers.
-I immediatly planed on driving to C-ville that night for the celebration. I want to have a beer in my had the entire day no matter what, starting when i woke up there in the morning.
-I changed my mind as soon as I realized how late it was and how tired I was.
-At one point I realized it was 12 am, and that I was now 19. I had a little celebration. I called Mike, who came over with Steve and this kid I met named Tod. I drank a bottle of red wine, smoked and gloriously passed out around 1:30pm.