what's that stick shooting out of earth?

Dec 29, 2004 10:27

I have a car now. It's very ugly and isn't safe at all but its a car and its mine.

I also have a kitty who is awesome. His name is Pepito and he likes empty newport boxes.

Christmas was good. I got things like books and Candy Land which is now the scariest and most sexual childrens game ever. They re designed the game so the candy cane man now has a really spooky gopher side kick and the whole game is just disturbing. They have gingerbread men bent over licking things...

I've been drinking way too much coffee lately and abusing the whole TV series on DVD thing and have watched way too much sappy lady television.

Mike and I went on a road trip yesterday to go some place NEW and EXCITING. We ended up in Waterbury at some hotdog place that had the weirdest decorations. So we ate. And went out side. And both felt the "best hotdog in new england" wanting to come back. So we went home and I fell asleep.

Nothing is that exciting. Just the same old stuff. But it's good old stuff
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