Jul 27, 2005 23:32
wow. what a night/morning i had a couple days ago. it was sunday night and monday morning to be exact. i was fortunate enough to be able to get the chance to sleep over miss jenn krodel's beach house along with kevin paul, adrienne sabilia, abby mcglinchey and amy rosenfield. the way it worked out was that we're all in the waterford week production of "grease". and jenn just invited us over after practice sunday afternoon. the original plan was sleep over jenn's house and then go to wachuset beach in the morn. so i ran home with kevy to get some stuff and leave a note for my parents explaining where i was going and what was going on. as luck would have it, my parents were out for the night, so there was no chance of them really stopping me. and it was the most amazing 2 days of my life. we got to bed at four, ended up not going to the beach and went to mystic instead, but it was still a couple of the most incredible days.
because of a pact that kevy and i verbally agreed to, no details are to be discussed or shared unless the other party brings it up. so sry any hopeful readers; no embarassing details here, just some good old fashioned inside jokes from the sleepover (and day after).
"where's the moon? why can't we see it?"
"orange moon means it's going to be warm tommorow."
"where are we gonna sleep now?"
"every awkward pause, a gay child is born."
"you rambled on a lot when you were apologizing for rambling on."
"this is like a fantasy i had!! and i'm lying!!"
too little sleep + too much = this sleepover : D
"casual dating:
this much commitment
this much love"
~Erin Paul
just imagine her using two fingers close together for the first one and her two arms wide apart for the latter. she didn't actually say "I-dash-dash-I". just use your imagination.
sleep tight america.
santa's watching.