Sixth sense

Apr 30, 2008 13:18

Couple of related things I wrote in my blog earlier:

- Life is all about gratifying the holes in your body - all the 5 senses and more
- The universe exists only within the 7 inch diameter - in your mind

Now, something I am trying extremely hard to understand "what is in a Man that makes him wants to own everything that he can see, hear, taste, feel?" What is "owning"? Somehow I never felt like owning a house or car or anything premium, infact I am not even proud of things which are in my possession.

Materialist, that the term which I cannot fully comprehend. I find that I am unable to connect with people around me talking about buying new mobile phones, homes, cars etc. I find the whole conversation amusing. When they ask me for my opinion, I just shrug. Am I missing something?! I value "experience" more than owning. I like to see, hear, taste, read, feel good things, but never had the desire to own something. Not that I do not buy things, I do and I appreciate quality, but that sense of ownership doesnt prevail over me. I cannot say anything is "Mine" as effortlessly as most people do. Guess, thats why I didnt marry yet? ;-) Want to meet a women who truly believes that marriage is not about owning your spouse. Its about the experience..a long sustained experience.

Life sure is transient, and things come and go and maybe thats the thought which stops me from wanting to own. Owning is like permance, which I believe doesnt hold good for a man. You are ashes, sooner or later, then whats the point in trying to grab hold of things for a short period called life. I would say do not bond or get attached to things or people but instead experience life. Experiences usually do not cost you much, bondage does. Ownership is like a double edged sword, one way or the other it will hurt you and make you pay. Owning is also like an insatiable desire, you are always left wanting. Where does it end? It doesnt, thats why I say, it shouldnt even begin.

Realise I am becoming spiritual by the day. Spirituality started making more and more sense to me and I realise that "experience" is a true path to spirituality.  I am glad I am this way.
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