ok if you read my post yesterday you'll know that i was planning to do this then but the picture uploader wouldn't work for me XP
so heres some more screencaps and flailings about the Jr. League,
these are from the 2008.06.08 episode of Shokura!!
~ WARNING~ i'm biased towards Kisumai, so every cap has at least one of them in =P
so first Sanada and Nozawa have to do ....something... i dodn't quite understand but Nozawa did some really high pitched puppy impression and then Sanada talked in a really wierd voice... not too sure....
Nozawa won though..
the next one was Tama~chan and Miyacchi whi had to say ' honey......*something*.....Goodnight'
so here starts the screencaps!!!
he was so cute and embaressed saying it!! he got a little scream out of Yassu who was judging.
then Miyacchi...who acted like a lovely dork^^
Miyacchi posing before he started, then failing at the end by saying 'goodbye' instead of 'goodnight'.....he was quite cute though at the same time=DD
then Tama~chan after looked kinda worried but giggled a little at Miyacchi!!! kawaii^^
but Tama~chan won!!!! yey!!
next was a VTR of Yamapi's daite senorita where they had to copy the thumb kiss taht he does at the end of the chorus..
yeh i took a screencap of the VTR because i found YOKOO and TAIPI backdancing in it!!!!! whoooo!!!!!!!! ~gomen~
and then Yamapi's thumb kiss
and then Taipi and Senga doing it, first is Taipi
whoo go taipi!!!!!!!!! who knows the dance perfectly ^_____^ because he backdanced it XDDD
and then senga went!!
as he went up, Senga was all like 'i can do this', 'lets go!' type of attitude and Koyama ended up on the floor laughing his head off ^^
Senga Dancing:
Senga's sexy look and pose before he starts, then he dances, he doesn't know the dance at all....so kawaii, and then instead of thumb kissing he salutes!! kawaii!!!
and then Yassu pronounces Senga the winner ~ though i think Taipi should have //whacked//biased**
and then Kawai and Goseki had to do something but i didn't get all of it because my video cut off there...XP pain i wanted to see them..
you can probably tell by the pics that i'm Taipi biased ~ i would have taken so many more of him dancing but i didn't want to spam you all too much..
i also finally got round to watching the 2008.08.10 shokura today,
it was alright i suppose. but its still quite empty without ABC and Kisumai there, though Question? and Shoon seem to be doing a good job of hinting at the younger ones that they are tops in the show at the moment XDDD
honestly for me the most exciting bit was the Jr. League.... it was Akun and Shoons part where they had to guess what was in the box by feeling it, and they ended up screaming and jumping when they touched each others hands instead of the tiny turtle that was there. and then when they realised that they held hands for awhile in the box, Kawaii^^
there was also Fujiie freaking out over slightly touching some seaweed, and he won it!!! even though he barely touched it!!! sugoi....
the gusts were half of HSJ and Tsubasa....
to be honest i'm kind agoing off HSJ they just keep coming back to shokura..... which they shouldn't, they've debuted already..... and even with only half of them there its still looked kinda crowded.... i dunno i still like most of their songs and stuff...... XP
and Tsubasa looked like he there just to fill in the time whre they had nothing to show...actually it was the same with HSJ, they didn't really seem like special guests they were more time fillers....
i was thinking of mabye doing screencaps but.... there would only be about three from the whole episode..it was a bit dissapointing....
so thats my Shokura ramble *finally* done!!!!
i might go watch some olympics now ~ even though i should be supporting England i find myself seraching for any Japanese competitors and hoping they come in the top three....XP