i think i'm done trying to edit for todayXP
it gets tiring staring at a bunch of codes trying to work them out...
so i stopped and i've decided to do the meme's now < i'm just hoping Lj-cut will work for me today!
ok so i wasn't tagged by anyone < although Junpi and Onee-chan (Kitsunemd) seemed to tag everyone so i guess i'm includedXP^^
a) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
b) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. What's your internet alias and what's the idea behind it?
~ dritree > umm.. ages ago me and my friends went through a huge Harry Potter phase, and one friend ended up writing a huge fic (practically a novel) based on it with us as characters. and so we were coming up with names and at the time i liked Alexandra, so to make it sound more "magical" i changed it to Alexandrina. which is where the nickname dri comes from. then, being the clever people we are, realised it rhymed with tree, so then we started saying Dri in a tree, which shortened dow to dritree.
2. What do you do first in the morning?
try to go back to sleep < i'm not much of a morning person""
3. Which fandom eats most of your brain?
KIS-MY-FT2!!!! and the rest of JE as a close second^^
4. What is your favorite fragrance?
i don't really have one...at the moment i like Ghost.
5. What are your current favorite song lyrics?
Kaizoku - Kis-My-Ft2
this particular line >>
nicchi mo sacchi mo dou ni mo kou ni mo
"nandemo ari" wo tanoshindekou
In no way, in whatever way, in that way,
let's enjoy "whatever's there".
no idea why i like that particular one but i do^^
6. What do you eat the most?
umm... i probably eat bread the most...because we have sandwiches and stuff at lunch.... but i think stuff like chocolate, sweets and puddings come a close second~~!!!
7. Do you trust easily?
hmmm yeh i do i guess, even if i don't show itXP though if someone loses my trust it takes a while to build it back up again.
8. What was your first big fandom?
90's Pop Groups!!!! Spice Girls, Steps, S Club 7, Backstreet Boys, Britney, Christina Aguilera...al those hahahaha
9. Name one negative quality you possess.
i hold grudges for a looong time. and i get quite nasty against whoever i've got a grudge on. ask any of my RL friendsXP
10. Do you have a good body-image?
...?? no...
11. Is being tagged fun?
12. What websites do you visit daily?
googlemail, Lj (which are both down as my homepages so its all automaticXP), Crunchyroll, msn.
13. Do you like to dress up?
HAI!! its fun!!!
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
ehh?? ok well i wasn't tagged so i'll write about whose post i saw this onXP
Kitsunemd ~ my amazing onee~chan!!! and the one who got me into MaruDa!!!
Junpinkyheaven ~ as we've said tons of times, i don't think i can live without her now!!! we're obssesed!!! hahahaha^^
Hokuto-sama ~ crucnhyroll! Lj! Nika! Ueda! FRANKS! i think that sums it upXDD
15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
HSJ - UMP...*blah*
16. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
emm..these little blck shorts that i love wearing with black tights..
17. What's better: to give or to receive?
as much as i want to say recieve, i think both
18. What would you buy if you had the money for it?
a plane ticket
19. What items could you not go without during the day?
phone, ipod, purse, i suppose i should add glasses to that now...
20. What should you be doing right now?
21. What personality trait do you wish you possess?
umm... to have a longer attention span. i lose interest in things quickly.
Meme no.2!!!
01. What's your current obsession?
Yokoo, Taipi, Hiro and pirate things....@___@
02. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
03. What's your favorite thing to do?
talk to friends...as boring and unorginal as that soundsXP
04. What annoys you the most?
Stuck up people, rude people, and those who backstab their friends!
05. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
i'm feeling selfish, > to live in Japan.
06. Do you prefer a kiss or a hug?
depends from who, but i don't mind either.
07. What are you afraid to lose the most?
friends i suppose... i've never really thought about it
08. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
many different things *grins*
09. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
ehh?? i wasn't tagged though!!!
although i don't think i could point out only three good points about Junpi and H~sama (i saw this on their posts) they're just too good^^
10. What makes you happy?
quite a lot of stuff.
simple little things like others being happy, and big things like getting a laptop for my b-day //bricked//
11. What type of person do you hate the most?
same as i wrote in the other meme.
12. What do you wish to accomplish in this lifetime?
i have no idea.... i lose interest too quickly to think that far into the future.
13. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
to walk through walls and stuff like that!! or control water^^
14. What would you do if you could be the most powerful person in the world?
i don't even wnat to think about it...i'd be so bad at it..
15. Any childhood memories you'll like to re-live?
umm..not really..if i'm honest.
16. How old do you want to get married?
i wouldn't mind mid twenties...but of course Taipi and Yokoo wouldn't be allowed, but i can wait^^
17. What's the saddest moment of your life?
umm i don't know about worst, but leaving school was pretty sad. you don't see most people ever again.
18. Are you courageous enough to go and tell the person that you like him/her?
NOPE! definatly not!!!
19. When you walk, where do you look at?
down or straight ahead depends on if i'm feeling sociable or notXP
20. Describe yourself in 10 words on more.
a girl whose really quite tired at the moment and needs a job so she can have money!!!..o h and JE fangirl.
>i think that sums me up a bit....XD
i don't think i can tag 8 people... but i'll tag.
and YOU!!! if you want to do it that isXDD