Here's one for the record books…

Jun 13, 2010 17:03

*sigh* Bus trips are a mixed bag; you get to see a lot of amazing countryside and it's an anthropology student's dream.  Nonetheless, here is my account of the most recent trip I took to see my fiancé…

Mos Eisley, anyone? - 06/06/2010 @ 18:00
I'm back at the Indianapolis Greyhound terminal, and I feel a bit like Luke Skywalker at the spaceport where he meets Han Solo.  Waiting on save transit to my destination in a pit of wolverines.  Unnerving, but what choice do I have, and the occasional rail train keeps my fellow passengers and I on our toes a little.  Another big worry of mine was keeping track of my luggage - especially my guitar and thank God I decided against bringing one of my electrics.  Wish I'd brought a camera, though, and only almost forgot my boarding passes…  See you from Cinci!

Strangely riveting, yet still completely boring - 06/06/2010 @ 22:40
No wonder the only games of basketball I've ever watched were the Pacers/Lakers finals.  It just doesn't excite me at all.  It is better than baseball, I have to say, because there's better action.  I've barely slept since Indy, I'm about a third of the way to Raleigh, and a strange nervousness reminiscent of agoraphobia is coming over me.  Possibly fear of just being away from home; I don't remember this from last time (nor much of the last trip at all, really).  I'll be so much happier when Christiana and I are together at last.  I miss her more than anything and have been glad to have her in my life.  See you from the south…

Missing bit: She had some trouble with the directions going to/from the terminal and got a little pissed with me on the phone, but we got to my hotel in (relatively) short order, got checked in, and waited a while for her to get back from some errands.  *slight grin* Then, there was this…

"Bembridge scholars never wrote about this…" 06/08/2010
Looks like all the waiting, fighting, crying, hurting and working was worth it.  I have literally never known a woman as sensual and passionate as my fiancé, amazing and beautiful beyond compare, Christiana.  She is the only person I've risked everything for - twice, in fact - and has never failed to make that risk more than worthy of the price.  Finally, I have another chapter of my life ready for the bookshelf, because she has fulfilled and awakened so many things in me that I don't know what I should focus on first.  But, there is this: "…I have found my ice cream truck.  And, I feel like an astronaut!  Because every day with her is a day in outer space."  So it took four years to get to this point; big fucking deal.  The fact remains that we each have our great love - it is ours as husband and wife soon to be.  …One of these days, though, we're gonna have to start a whole new book together.  *smile* Let's just enjoy what remains of this one, though.

Missing bit: The last bit of time we had together was spent at the same park we visited on my last trip.  We walked hand-in-hand almost the entire way.  At one clearing by a creek, we also spotted a barn owl - neither of us ever see them, so it was both strange and thrilling; especially when it stared at us a moment before flying off to another tree.  After a couple hours, though, we sadly had to part ways - I to make my bus departure, and she to her friends.  I was blessed by getting a fantastic deal on a cab to the terminal and started my nerve-wracking journey home…

"I have met a whole lot of nice people…" 06/09/2010 @ 23:52
Some people are born to greatness, others have it thrust upon them, I got it in the face and the ass after becoming a micro-celebrity at the Charlotte Greyhound terminal.  I brought the 12-string (again) to play for Christiana, but never actually really pulled it out until my first bus change on the return trip.  I was literally hounded by four or five other travelers to get it out and play.  I didn't bite the bullet until I was asked to simply display it and another guy mentioned 'Layla' by Eric Clapton; *half smile* God, am I glad I was raised on the classics.  So, I stumbled through some of it before realizing how badly out of tune my instrument was.  After adjusting both string tension and truss tension, I did some 'Fountain of Lamneth' and 'Closer to the Heart' while being captured on video in all my gory, disgusting detail that has likely become fodder for YouTube at this point.  …Oh, God.  Then, some homeless guy wanted to take me to his turf.  I was reminded of a motorcycle trip that my roommate and a friend of his took up north somewhere (Michigan, Canada, wherever the fuck it was).  I politely refused because I used my God-given foresight and didn't like what I saw.  But, disaster averted and I'm waiting on my bus to Columbus, OH.  Should I be looking forward to compiling all this shit?

And, there you have it; triumph, tragedy, comedy, and romance for a story unlike anything on a bookshelf.  Oddly, this isn't really the best of the story, though; it's coming up.  *smile* If the coming chapters are anything like the past ones, everyone's in for an awesome surprise…  What I can tell you is that some will finally get to meet the most important character of this story around Autumn.  I myself can hardly wait…
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