Feb 13, 2009 13:24
I have just discovered the solution to a coffee shop problem I have for ages--ever since I started going to coffee shops: the annoying coffee shop patron. This problem comes in many, many forms, but the most offensive is the Loud Boring Coffee Drinker. It is ok to be loud if you are moderately interesting. It is ok to be boring if you are relatively quiet. But if you are both, when I am sitting here tappity-tapping on my laptop, eventually it will make me feel homicidal.
Are you ready for how easy this solution is? Headphones. Headphones with good music (in this case, Bach cello suites), and I am good to go! No matter how annoying your topic of conversation, no matter how high-pitched and caffeine-fueled your voice, I am ready to ignore you and get some shit done.