Quick Update

Nov 13, 2003 06:39

Just thought I'd write really quick while I had some spare time this morning. I usually don't get online in the am anymore. It's really windy and rainy and I wish they'd close wayland. Mt. Morris is closed and Geneseo and Livonia...but does Wayland close? Nope...of course not! Anyways...I like rainy weather. I've got a DEP meeting tonight. And afterwards, I'm not going to practice. I need a break. And I've been to every single practice since we started too...so I'm not gonna go to the rest of it. Which, by the time I got done, it'd only be about an hour. So, I'm not worried. I'm such a rebel eh? But...it's a much needed and deserved break. Talking with some friends yesterday. Oh...KP and I stayed through after school till practice and we went and sat on the swings for a while and just chilled and had a swing war and stuff. It was great....old times. Let me tell you. But fun. Anyhoo...I'm gonna end now. That's all that's been going on with me. Leave me notes ;-)
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