Jun 03, 2004 09:21
So it's been forever since I posted here. I guess my original reservations were right. I suck at stuff like this. Oh well.
First, here's a broad overview of last weekend which was so much fun I'm going to bask in the glow of it for weeks or at least until something else that's fun happens, which will probably not be for a while considering how screwed I am with various kinds of work right now.
Friday night was Harmonics' Spring Show. George and I got there at 3 pm and helped set up and everything. It was a lot of fun to be part of the excitement, but it almost made it sadder to not actually be in the show. It lacked the climax of putting on a great performance and that rush when you know there are fifty bazillion things you have to remember and lines and props and songs and everything is running through your head at once. I won't go into how much I miss all of that right now. Partially because I'm at work (my 9:00 patient didn't show up -- bastard)and partially because that has nothing to do with why my weekend was so much fun.
Anyway, George did an amazing job running sound, probably the best I've ever seen him do for the Harmonics through the years. Sheena and Fez did an amazing job of getting drunk and rowdy in the front row. I did an amazing job of tearing up every two seconds because I was so proud of the Harmonics throughout the show for all different reasons. It was definitely the best I've seen them all year which is really rewarding. It seems like it would be a total waste if your best show of the year was at some middle school assembly or something. Spring Show is worth it. All was as it should have been. I'm sure I'll write more about Spring Show later because it was definitely a big event for me personally. We'll come back to the details in a later post.
After the show there was an after party in Roble Zoo Room. The Harmonics were awesome and actually helped me and George clean up for the first time ever so we got to go to the party! When we got there the alumni were singing For The Longest Time. It blew my mind. After a short time though, the old people left and the young drunk sillies took over with the funniest, ugliest singing in the world. A good time was had by all. That's an understatement. I miss partying with those fools. We got home at around 2:30 and went to sleep happy.
Saturday I was supposed to do some homework. I didn't. George and I went to Vicki's 21st birthday party. Then we partied like rockstars. At around 2 am we went to hip hop night at the Avalon (the nasty club across the street from our house) and the dj invited me to be in the ass shaking contest. I was much too intoxicated to do so. Anyway, we came back from there and stayed up the rest of the night doing various things. It's all on video. You can borrow it if you want. By 6 am we knew we were going to be strung out for Chris and Alicia's wedding anyway so we just stayed up the rest of the night. It was the most fun I've had in a really long time.
So it was Sunday. We spent an hour looking for George's suit. We found the pants but not the jacket which was good enough. We showered and got as good looking as possible (which was not very good looking at all) considering our lack of sleep and that we're both pretty pasty people to begin with. I drove to Santa Cruz and the wedding was fine. Matthew and Bob were there which was funny and we tried to act normal. No one seemed to notice how ill we felt which was good. We sat at the work table because although George knew Alicia in the Harmonics he knows Chris from work, so we got seated with the rest of the PalmSource people instead of Harmonics, thankfully. They had the same photographer as we did and we hung out with him a little. He's the coolest guy in the world and I totally want to be his best friend. We left as soon as the cake was cut and I drove home while George slept. Highway 17 was totally stopped and it took forever. Finally, at 11 we arrived home and both fell right asleep on top of the covers.
Monday we woke up at noon when Sheena called. I had totally forgotten I was supposed to be in her video for product design class. We managed to get dressed before she got to our house but not to clean up our shithole of a house for company. It's funny how we wreck our house every weekend and then clean it up every Monday. Anyway, she saw it wrecked but I was still too strung out to notice. I had wanted to go to Great America with Myles and Christine but could barely even talk let alone ride a rollercoaster. I'm sure I was AWESOME in Sheena's video. We had a nice lunch with Sheena at Mimi's and then came home and took a bath. We watched movies and slept all day. No work was accomplished. George and I just had a fun time snuggling and being together.
And so you see, here I am, with many finals and papers and projects, looking back on this with not one tiny bit of regret because it was so much freakin fun. When George and I are old and tottering around we're going to look back on weekends like this and smile :-)