Jan 12, 2010 13:09
And now for the post that makes no sense whatsoever.
Watched Sleeping Beauty last night. I forgot how much that movie creeped me out. It actually took me a while to sleep.
Also I forgot how tiny that girl's waist is. Its the smallest of all the disney princesses right? Its barely an inch wide.
And now I have to pack up my entire house because we are yet again moving in two days! Fun right? House count: 18. I am not kidding in the slightest.
I finally got around to watching episode ten of The Vampire Diaries and now I can't believe I have to wait until the 28th for the next one.
Okay I'm done. This post was pointless, no? BUT I'M BORED BECAUSE THE TEMP AGENCY WON'T CALL ME BACK.
Rose if you're still secretly reading all my posts I'm sorry for not calling. I'm a twat.