dinosaurs, thai and bucket lists

Dec 22, 2009 23:19

Tomorrow's post? Bahaha, how amusing you are, Past Me. Tomorrow's post... don't make me laugh.

Today is of course, The Day After Tomorrow (crazy, right?) in relation to my last post. And I can now state two things for sure. I officially have a facebook. And also I received an OP 4. Which is pretty exciting. Considering I dropped out of school back in term three. OP's are ranked from 1-25 if you don't know, 1 being the highest and 25 is the lowest.

So those are my two exciting items on the agenda. I celebrated last night by going shopping with my mother and getting pissed off at all the clothes for not fitting. (Please, no commenting on this statement please) And tonight by going out for Thai with my father. Which was really actually OKAY and REALLY NOT THAT BAD. Kudos to you, dad. You pulled off a one-on-one dinner with your daughter. You can officially cross it off your bucket list. And then I came home and Mum and the BOYFRIEND had cracked open the Kahluah.

I also now possess a dinosaur necklace. I have been complimented by a shop assistant and a homeless man. I'm not sure who's praise I value more...


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