horrible manager of the video store under whom I worked several years ago had a great number of personality quirks that were sometimes ugly (e.g. carrying on his belt, and gleefully showing off at the slightest provocation, a pair of police-issue handcuffs in a leather case that he'd gotten god-knows-where-or-how and openly anticipated being able to use on a future shoplifting suspect) and sometimes inexplicable-
He would use the phrase "savoring truth" whenever he meant "saving grace" or "silver lining". This annoyed me to no end; it persists in my brain like a splinter stuck at an awkward angle under a fingernail.
He was a tall, quietly bigoted man who bullied through delegation and scheduling less out of malice than out of boredom, and/or reflex, and/or a small relish of the pecking order. Sometimes, when the phrase "savoring truth" pops into my head and I find myself thinking again about that job and that manager, I try to take the phrase apart, looking for signs that this strange personal neologism was a symptom of a hidden or stunted idealism or optimism.