Title: Neon
Pairing: Tim Kasher/Conor Oberst
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: fishnet
Summary: You dream that you find Conor on a slick street corner...
Word Count: 1026
DisclaimerNotes: The next bit in the still unnamed series. I'm not even going to pretend they're loosely bound.
'Oh please, mister, can't you fix me?' )
jsyk i'm not one for crying...but this story is most definitly cry-worthy, especially seeing as i want to hug Tim and Conor instead of just Conor
when Tim is comforting Sierra for some reason it's screaming Conor to me,because of the way he comforts Conor and Conor's child-like qualities
"sparrow=like wrists " yeah i won't try to explain how too perfect that is for words...ebniwfb-flails-
your imagery is perfect
Tim's utter helplessness[that looks really fucked] towards the Conor situations is really quite choking, because we see how he veiws Conor as this person who needs him and he can help him and all because really they need each which is why i love the bit where he discusses how he's making sure Conor can take care of himself while still needing him because Tim can't be without him at the same time
"i dreamt about runining him"
okay i fully suck at this but yess this is there is no word for it because it's too well written for one simple words
but the last sentence made me smile
late night+her space holiday=incoherent ramblings
Her Space Holiday is sort of win.
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