She was a great woman. She died , a year this November, after 6 years of Alzheimer's. She planted what we call prince tea, that i have no clue what correspondance it has in english, and Melissa tea (similar to chamomile but different, can't remenber the correspondance either). Here in Portugal evryone who has a little fgarden plants tea, usually :) i have a friend who's gradmother or aunt plants tea, i'll ask her for directions asap and i'll make a post or something.
that would be great, sorry about your grandmother, Alz. is a real crippler. We have Melissa here in Israel as well. Wikipedia says the plant is called lemon balm in English.
Blends and stuffpurpledardasitFebruary 5 2010, 19:16:28 UTC
Interesting! I myself prefer the fruitier ones. I don't publish blends poll YET because my experience with tea is kinda limited, I opened up this community mainly to learn and have fun with other people. My next poll (unless somebody suggests another idea) would probably be something concerning this community's maintenance-how you want stuff to be done, and whether I should get help from more experienced members. Note to self: become a part of community on community in order to make this one a success (...)
Re: Blends and stuffmalice_labFebruary 5 2010, 20:58:03 UTC
indeed :) i liked the ideia about *FUN* in this community because that's why i drink tea. i know a lot of tea lover's that are so stuck up that you wouldn't believe, and i hate that. it doesn't matter how gourmet it is in the end, but if you, personally, like it or not :)
She died , a year this November, after 6 years of Alzheimer's. She planted what we call prince tea, that i have no clue what correspondance it has in english, and Melissa tea (similar to chamomile but different, can't remenber the correspondance either).
Here in Portugal evryone who has a little fgarden plants tea, usually :) i have a friend who's gradmother or aunt plants tea, i'll ask her for directions asap and i'll make a post or something.
We have Melissa here in Israel as well. Wikipedia says the plant is called lemon balm in English.
my second name is Melissa so Nana thought it would be funny to plant it hehe
i personally prefer blackest blends :)
I don't publish blends poll YET because my experience with tea is kinda limited, I opened up this community mainly to learn and have fun with other people.
My next poll (unless somebody suggests another idea) would probably be something concerning this community's maintenance-how you want stuff to be done, and whether I should get help from more experienced members.
Note to self: become a part of community on community in order to make this one a success (...)
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