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Feb 10, 2011 00:41

Had an "ok" day today...

I was up late last night (as always) and wanted to sleep in, but couldn't because I had to get up to wait for the Time Warner guy to come and switch out our cable box. Of course they give you a certain time frame that they are supposed to be there by, but they never come at that time. And I, being lazy, slept in as late as possible and woke up just when the time frame was supposed to start. Did Mr. Time Warner guy get here between his designated time frame? No... he was almost an hour late. And since our doorbell doesn't work, I couldn't just lay in bed and watch TV and wait for him to get here... I had to sit out in the living room so I didn't miss him. Thank God for Will putting the old computer out there or I would have been bored out of my mind since NOTHING good is on TV during the day anymore. I just window-shopped on Etsy until he got here. I love Etsy.

The kids' bedroom is almost done... We cleaned their entire room so we can put new furniture in for them. The old bunk beds that all three of them shared were falling apart and were completely unsafe for them to be sleeping on. They have served their purpose over the years... We didn't even get them brand new. We picked them up off of Craigslist for $50. Anyway, the girls have new bunk beds now (we were able to find some inexpensive brand new ones that aren't metal) and Will Coy has a new futon. Since their room is so small, the futon will have to stay in couch-form. I don't think he'll mind for the time being. We got it all to fit pretty well without having to take away one of the dressers. Yay! I feel a lot better about them having new stuff. Tomorrow, I have to finish washing their new bedding and make all the beds while Will is at work so when we pick them up tomorrow night, everything will be ready to go for them. I hope they are as excited about it as I am. I'm just glad that we were able to afford everything. Everybody will have their own bed to sleep on... no more having to smell someone else dirty feet from the other end of the bed. LOL!

This weekend we are going to clear some more stuff out of the garage and lug it over to storage... eventually we'll get it all cleared out so the garage can actually be a garage again instead of a storage unit for all our crap. I'm really slow at going through things so it's probably taking us a lot longer than it should. I don't want to put anything into storage that isn't worth keeping. Might as well get rid of it now, instead of having to go through it all later.

I also have to find time tomorrow to do some meal-planning for the weekend. It's easy for me to do it when it's just Will and I... but when I have to add the kids into the mix, it takes a little more thought because they don't like ANYTHING... There rarely is a meal that everyone can agree on and I'm really tired of playing it safe with spaghetti and tacos every time they come over. However, last time they were over I discovered that all three of them love my chicken enchiladas. They all asked to eat it again some time. Of course, I had to leave out all the good stuff... it was just chicken and cheese w/ black olives on top. But it made me happy that they liked something that they were so reluctant to try at first. We're slowly getting somewhere!

I should go to bed now... I'm a little sleepy. Goodnight.
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