It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life... for me.

Feb 02, 2011 15:50

2010 was kind of a sucky year for me (with a few exceptions). I was looking forward to a new start come 2011... but so far, it hasn't been promising. I'm turning 30 this year and I don't have much to show for it. This doesn't make me proud.

So, one month down... another eleven to go. Eleven whole months to make the best of 2011. Where do I start? There are many, many aspects of my life that need improving. It's hard to prioritize. Which one takes precedence over the others? Which one is more important? Do I work at all of them a little at a time? Or do I pick one and complete that individual goal before moving on to the next?

Do I go left or do I go right? Up or down? I'm finding it more and more hard to imagine how my life would turn out if I chose a different fork in the road. I used to be so good at this. What happened? Remember that question you were always asked at school... where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? I used to be able to think about it and have a pretty good idea that "if I were to take road A, I would end up here, but if I were to take road B, I would end up over there. Ok, lets go for road B.". Now? Now I can't even imagine the outcome for either forks and I just end up taking the easier route. This isn't me... let's change this. Every new year is a year for change right? More thought before actions. Maybe this will stop the ridiculous situations I keep ending up in.

No more letting people and events get to me. I am stronger than that.

Change... I'm ready!
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