Everything looks beautiful... when you don't look down.

Jun 18, 2008 21:33

Dear LiveJournal (and whoever else is reading),

I know I've been absent from here for quite some time... I keep meaning to write but every time I get a chance to, I'm not in the mood.

I recently went on a diet... the Nutrisystem diet to be exact. Today is day 10. I have to say, when I first started it, I was extremely hungry after each meal... Portion control really was one of my biggest problems. I'm slowly getting used to the smaller meals. I still feel like I'm not eating enough food but it's not as bad as it was in the beginning. I've cheated on my diet twice... three times? I can't remember... I have to keep telling myself that I can't cheat anymore. At least not for a while. My eating guide does give me suggestions on what I should avoid while eating out. The only problem is, everything I like to eat is on the no, no, no... absolutely not list. That kind of sucks. My initial weigh-in was 197.8 lbs (aka sea cow size. My weigh-in this morning was 192.0 lbs. A little over 5 lbs in 10 days isn't bad... but it's definitely going a little slower than I would have liked. I can't really complain considering I did cheat a few times, and I haven't started any exercise yet. My goal is to get down to 125-135 lbs. I still have a long way to go.

I really, really, really miss Friday Night Dinners. I hope that once I lose some more weight, I can go back to eating out once a week (instead of almost every night like it used to be). I think Friday Night Dinners should start up again. I don't get to hang out with everyone as much as I used to. Not because I don't want to... just that everyone has different schedules and nobody really has time to get together anymore. I don't think it will be too hard for us to set aside one night a week to all hang out. It doesn't even have to be Fridays... if a different day is better for the majority, we could go out on that day instead.

Anyway... moving on. I've decided that I'm taking a vacation to Ireland next year. It will be my Golden Year (I'll be turning 28 on the 28th of May). Saving for the trip is a bit of a challenge. I'm trying to save $100.00 from each paycheck (I get paid weekly). Plus, I have $50.00 that gets automatically transfered to my savings account every month. So, by the end of May next year, if I continue to save like I planned, I will have $5800.00 for the trip. I'm going on my third week of saving so we'll see how well it pans out. I also have to make sure that I have the money for Nutrisystem every month.

It seems like everyone is having a birthday and/or getting married next month... and as always, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to manage my time for all of it. Will's birthday is the 14th, Andrea's birthday is the 15th, Jamie's birthday is the 21st, William's nephew (George) is having a birthday party on the 28th (I think), Josh and Kristine are getting married on the 5th, Candice and Michael are getting married on the 26th (so is Billy and Janelle), and Will and I are celebrating our anniversary (dating for 3 years) on the 1st. It's a little overwhelming. It's going to be hard to get any time off at all considering the fact that I've taken off the last day and 1/2 because I've been sick... and I'm also taking 4 days off in August to go to Oregon for my Grandpa's 80th birthday. It's going to be a busy month...

Work has been going ok. I'm a little bored with what they have me currently doing... but since they gave my job away to someone else (so I can move up), I can't really complain. They just haven't had the time to train me on anything new... so right now, I'm pretty much doing bitch work. Basically, random internal audits, the posting of our DreamBath web-sales and anything else having to do with the DreamBath returns and credits, and managing the other three girls in my department. Obviously, no title came with that responsibility because they didn't want to have to pay me more... so I'm just the "go-to girl". Sounds fun? No... not really.

Well, my time is up for tonight.
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