Oct 12, 2004 18:38
FLOGGING MOLLY =^3 <---- that's a clover ;)
hot guys, sweaty kids, subhuman tickets, street punks...
i know you know i went to fucking FLOGGING MOLLY last night. O yeah, Kristen- Ashley- Nikki- Riley and I all piled into Kristens petit car and headed for the concert. The tickets were ALL sold out. How shitty. We kept bothering peopel to give us tickets, when Liz comes over and was like "Flogging Molly knows me so they are letting me in for free." =*( psha! Well.. we sat outside with our gang and this black guy in a wheel chair. There was also this kid mike and he was pretty cool. So we all waited outside and Stryker (the homeless guy in the wheelchair.) We waited for an hour and like the briggs an the street dogs roadies kept walkin by us and wouldnt let us in. So fuckin .. an hour later, one of the guys from the briggs ... let's us in <3 ooo it was on accident but its' all good. We all ran in when i held the door he so "carelessly" left open and we all ran in! MADNESS, there was like 10 of us and we piled through the open door! hehehe. The mosh pit was great. I saw this fuckin awesome girl and we were jigging, and i was dancing with random people and we had JIG pits. o yes. BELIEVE MEH WORDS! Street Dogs show was killer .. killer .. KILLER ! That guy is so coooool. Flogging molly was a really long set.. so after the show was over .. i got in trouble .. because well they kinda played for an hour and a half, but it was GREATTTTT ! I got a lot of things signed, as usual, and got invited to a show, but i sorta invited myself. IT's Novmeber 5th at the garage in burnsville. be there or be square. maybe i should pass my license test this time..
well jeanette is explaining that i need to be in the car in ten minutes or im grounded. what?
HEY~ rileys band was pretty good at homecoming. WE all went to memorial field for a bbq.. mac schiller made me a B U R G E R . oo it was great. WE had lots o fun. I went to the game, watched everyoen skate. B ran beat riley at skate. it was funny. Those 7th graders are PRETTY good. I got to hang out caitlin most of the night so that was nicee. <333333 and well.. um we went to zanes that night and had some good ol fashion roasting, teehee. I hung out with Bill on Sunday. !!! we went to fairbault and it smelled and looked like shit, but bill the box and i had a good time. We're getting together and watching kill bill! Wont that be Axciting. OI should get in that car sohuldn't i????