Mar 12, 2006 13:23
So I'll call this entry "The Day After the Storm." Last night, well yesterday period was a pretty bad day. I woke up around 12, and talked online for a while to April. That itself was crappy. The entire family (besdies me) went out so I had the house to myself for a little. My Grandma popped by out of no where so I had to put clothes on (i normally walk around naked when my family isnt home LOL) But it turned out ok because she came with my cousin Tarell who is 24 and is visiting from Jamaica. I've never met him before. He kinda resembles my brothers and I. Hes tall, but not as tall as us and hes thin. Hes my uncle's son. It was cool meeting him. He has a good sense of humor but hes kinda quiet at the same time. That isn't really a bad thing, because there are enough talkers in my family so i'd prefer if hes the silent type. Anyway, the day was crappy because after my Grandmother and cousin left, my Dad starts complaining to my Mom about me, but doesnt say a thing to me. So I tell my Mom, " I really don't like when he talks about me behind my back like that." He went off of course. blah blah blah blah blah. And so I told him I can't wait to get out of this freaking house and leave for college. Which is so true. I can't stand living here anymore. My parents are way too over protective. Yeah, they love me, but they smother me and I just can't deal with that crap. So after my Dad, my brother and little brother started ganging up on me saying stupid stuff. And I basically told my brother that I dont need him for anything but his car to drive me places. Which in a way is true, but maybe I was just too harsh. Of course mini-me also known as my little brother, started taking his side. So I told my Mom, I can tell that this family is all into the family bonding thing. But I'm not, and they should just deal with it. I called April at like 11 because I needed someone to vent to, she helped me out. My Mom was being nosy and told me to get off the phone. I got off, and then she knocks again saying "give me the phone." So I give it to her and tell her I don't feel like talking and I go to bed. And she keeps bothering me... Finally I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about something I can't talk about because you guys will probably label me as shallow. So, this entry is getting sorta long. hope everyone had a great weekend, I sure as hell didn't. :]