Some folks say smokin herb is a crime

Apr 08, 2005 12:36

Well...shit havent left anything in here for like a hasnt been that exciting so its ok you guys havent missed out on anything...except I almost got arrested on like..weds...for havin a pipe...wowsers...people these days...idk how i got out of it...oh well...last night my dad told me to do wat I got to do to get back to my moms and not to talk to him unless I REALLY have to...and alot of other stupid bullshit...but wat he basically said is...he loves me..but doesnt like me...hes fed up with my shit...and yea...idk...its not my fault tho...its his drinking...he has drinking issues...well Im freeking bored off my ass sititn in business appliance and my friend chance got so faded today...I had STRAWBERRY was booooomb...I made money stripping ayt lunch today...well..gots ta bounce...

- SO-Cal
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