Choose a band/or artist that best describes me:
How do you feel about me:
What's the worst thing about me:
Would you walk 1000 miles to see me:
what season reminds you of me and wny ?
when did we meet
whats my biggest fear?
have you ever seen me cry?
whats one word that would describe me
Do I wear too much makeup?
Am I interesting to talk to?
Am I intimidating?
Am I a friendly person?
Do I have nice muscles?
Am I a pushover?
Do you think I'm religious?
Am I cheap?
Am I helpful?
Am I trustworthy?
Am I a workaholic?
Click This Allison girl is in 9th grade and loves Horse Boy and The misfits, and mushroom head.
Shes down with the sickness. Owahaha!