I love him, a lot. He keeps me going and keeps my head up more than anyone ever could or has. We are polar opposites when it comes to a lot but the things we are oddly and perfectly similar in keeps us who we are together. I never thought any 18 year old guy could be this great with a baby, especially one that is not biologically his. The way he talks about her is amazing. He really cares about us both and is not ashamed to let everyone and anyone know that. The grief he has gotten for being with me has measured up to an unexplainable amount but he is still right by our side. I love 'emmm.
The extreme happiness I have for her being home is unmeasurable. She is my best friend and I have never had more fun with anyone in my life. "She keeps me young". Not kidding, that is what I will be saying about her 30 years from now. She will always have a young heart and always be up for a bottle of white wine and some McDonalds chicken nuggets. She is the strongest person and is one of my handful of friends that is still here after all the shit I've pulled. Now she is home and it has brightened up my mood more than she knows. Believe me, ask anyone around my house... I was miserable when everyone left for school. I love mahhh best frieeeannndd.
I miss her too much. I find myself wishing she was home daily and realize I need to stop being selfish and let her be at her nice little art school in Grand Rapids, but I miss her all the time and want her home. Put her, the girl right above this, and me together... we're unstoppable. Unless we are trying to go to Cleavland for a Vanessa Carlton concert. She has such great ambition and drive. I cannot wait to see where she ends up. Wherever that is, though, I hope that she makes a pit stop make to Macomb Twp. to live in a nice little house or apartment with her two best friends and a baby. She can decorate the house wonderfully and we can where dresses everyday in the summertime and Aubrey can have the BEST PRINCESS ROOM EVER. I want her to be around my daughter more because I was Aubrey to know her Aunt Jaclyn and grow up with her. Regardless if she is here or 3 hours away, though, Aubrey will always know that she is there and was there for her mommy more than almost anyone. Loveee mahhh gurrll.
Uncle Pat is our favorite. He was one of the first ones to not be afraid around the baby. He came over, sat down, and asked to hold her since he didn't in the hospital. He is a great friend with an amazing sense of humor that we could really use around here. He has stuck by my side an extreme amount over the past few years and I could not appreciate it anymore that I do. He comes home quite a bit and that is always nice. I love when he come over and watches stupid MTV shows with me. I love driving around aimlessly singing ridiculous NOW songs with him. He is a great guy and he keeps me goin'.
I have no idea what I would ever do without her. She is my sister and my best friend and she helps me more than anyone, hands down. She is "mommy junior" and she is better with my little girl than I even am. She adores this baby and I adore her for that. She is such a great girl with such a great heart and I'm not sure if many people know that. She is very softspoken unless she is around her best friends so it is hard for people to get to know her, but she is amazing. And gorgeous! She has so much to offer and I owe her the world.
This is the little girl that changed everything. She got me to set my priorities straight. I am a better person because of her. I love her in a way I didn't know it was possible to love someone. She is a bundle of happiness and truly an amazing baby. I was honestly blessed and I am so thankful for that. I cannot wait to watch her grow up and to teach her all that I know. I am so excited that she has the best people in the world to look up to and that they will always be there for her. She is my life now and I would do anything in the world for her.
I know this was severely random, but I really want everyone to know just how much I really appreciate everything they've done for me. I have amazing people in my life that have been the reason I stayed (mostly) positive through this entire things. I love my life. It is hard a lot of the time, but no one said it would be easy and I never had the misconception that it would be. I love my friends, my family, my boyfriend, and my daughter more than words can explain. They have made me into the person I am and I will never be able to express my thanks to them. I loveeee 'em all. :D