Aug 30, 2004 14:16
yeah, i havent done one of these in a loooong time, but I am kinda bored. (stolen from steve-o)
Name: Andrina Helene Packard
Nickname: Drina, drinimartini, various love names from chris...
Birthday: june 4th '82
Birthplace: plantation, florida
Current mood: bored
Current music: nothin
Current taste: the fettucinni alfredo i just ate
Current hair: sloppy ponytail
Current clothes: dark blue pj bottoms and white tee
Current annoyance: being warm despite the air being on
Current smell: nothing really, my nose is kinda stuffy
Current thing I ought to be doin: taking jenny out for a walk
Current windows open: none
Current desktop picture: picture i took of the sunset from a cruise ship
Current favorite band: i dunno...the ones i listen to most these days are weezer, incubus, and coldplay
Current book: the guardian by nicholas sparks
Current cd in stereo: sublime
Current crush: jude
Current favorite celeb: jude law, depp, diaz, stiles, i dunno
Current hate: i dont hate it really, but being in the last month of pregnancy is pretty rough
=Do I=
Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: yeah, i smoke crack on a regular bases, its good for the baby
Have sex?: not these days
Give oral sex?: when im up for it
Receive oral sex?: not enough
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not really, but i had two dreams of tornadoes last week
Remember your first love?: yes
Still love him/her?: no, but i think about him on occasion, wonder how he is
Read the newspaper?: nah
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: used to
Believe in miracles?: yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: eh, not so much
Consider love a mistake?: nope
Like the taste of alcohol?: i sure do...i miss it :( but its worth it :)
Have a favorite candy?: its all good, but im pretty fond of snickers
Believe in astrology?: eh, not really, but its still fun
Believe in magic?: not really
Believe in god?: yes
Have any pets: yes, glocky the fat ass cat and jenny the insane dog
Go to or plan to go to college: yeah, even though i dont really want to
Have any piercings?: well, i used to have 3 holes in my ears, but i think 2 have closed cause i never wear earrings anymore...and i used to have my belly peirced but that changed once i got knocked up
Have any tattoos?: no, i'd kidna like to but chris isnt into it, so ohwell
Hate yourself: no
Have an obsession?: no
Have a secret crush?: no
Do they know yet?: no
Have a best friend?: sure
Wish on stars?: no
Care about looks?: not too much
=Love life=
First crush: hmmm....who knows, i always had crushes in elementary school
First kiss: ummm...7th grade?
Single or attached?: attached for life :)
Ever been in love?: still am
Do you believe in love at first sight?: kinda, i dont know of you can say i "loved" my husband right away, but i definately saw something there when i first saw him
Do you believe in "the one?": yes
Describe your ideal significant other: someone who i can have a good time with, even if its just doing stupid stuff, someone who loves me unconditionally and respects me and is proud to be with me, and vice versa
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: dont think so...
Have you ever been intoxicated?: oh yeah
Favorite place to be kissed?: lips, neck
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": yeah...
Are you a tease?: i dont think so...i think i used to be, a little
Shy to make the first move?: yes
=Word association=
Rubber: ducky
Rock: hard
Green: good color
Wet: n' wild
Cry: alot
Peanut: butter and jelly
Hay: is for horses
Cold: cream
Steamy: shower
Fast: cars
Freaky: friday! haha, gay, i know
Rain: bow
Bite: me
fuck: you
Blow: job
Religion: church
Hair: blondish turning brownish
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'7"
Bought: eggs, mushrooms, green pepper, cookie mix, lunch meats, some other stuff
Ate & Drank: fettucinne alfredo and apple juice
Read: friends lj
Watched on tv: price is right
--EITHER / OR:--
club or houseparty: club
beer or cider: cider
drinks or shots: drinks
cats or dogs: both
single or taken: taken
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: cd
coke or pepsi: neither...dr.pepper
this or that: this
kill: bill
get really wasted with: LEAH!!!!!!!
look like: hmm...the way i looked in high school
be like: myself with more ambition
avoid: no one that i can think of
talked to: chris
hugged: chris
instant messaged: no one today, leah yesterday
kissed: chris
eat: kitchen table, couch, in front of computer...
cry: usually in bed
wish you were: in the hospital, having my baby
Dated one of your best friends? no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yes
Drank alcohol? yup
Done drugs? yup
Broken the law? well, i think doing drugs and drinking underage is pretty much against the law...
Run away from home? no
Broken a bone? pinky toe
Played Truth Or Dare? whats that?? lol
Kissed someone you didn't know? yes... :/
Been in a fight? nah
Come close to dying? nope
--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: ummmmm...nothing really
Your bedroom like?: too small...lets see, bed with no frame, 2 dressers (one for us, one for baby), bedside table
Your favorite thing for breakfast? cinnamon toast crunch with a BIG cup of milk
Your favorite restaurant?: FRIDAYS!! But they dont have them out here :(
What's on your bedside table?: old lamp, small oil lamp, little suffed winnie the pooh bear, nail clippers, probably a bottle of water
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: chocolate ice cream or chocolate milk
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: anything where someone dies
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: im kinda against plastic surgery
What is your biggest fear?: you know in kill bill 2 where she gets buried alive in the coffin...yeah, that...i was freaking out, i cant stand the thought of that...i think it stems back to gary sitting on the toybox while i was stuck inside...thanks, bro lol
What feature are you most insecure about?: i dont know...depends on my mood
Do you ever have to beg?: yes, chris can be a butt
Are you a pyromaniac?: not really, maybe a little
Do you have too many love interests?: no
Crushes? no
Do you know anyone famous?: no
Describe your bed: unmade, as always. blue sheets, light brown comforter, about 8 pillows
Spontaneous or plain?: depends
Do you know how to play poker?: nope
What do you carry with you at all times?: my baby...LOL
How do you drive?: eh, pretty good, with a tad bit of road rage sometimes
What do you miss most about being little?: being so utterly carefree
Are you happy with your given name?: yes
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: not too much...i dont care that much
What color is your bedroom?: white
What was the last song you were listening to?: what i got
Have you ever been in a play?: in elementary school
Do you talk a lot?: sometimes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: most of the time
Do you think you're cute?: as a button
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? sometimes, theres a lot aound here
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yes
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: husband
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: nothing in particular...