May 19, 2008 22:58
its been awhile. ok, a long while.
some quick updates...
i'm still working at the Japanese place. doing mostly sushi now.
the girls are crazy as ever. petra is now 2 and mattea will turn 4 in sept. mattea is still the sassy little bossy boots. petra is coming into her own, she's quite the little impish joker with an infectious chuckling belly laugh.
so this will be our third summer up here in maine. we're really looking forward to it, its been a really long winter. there was snow on the ground from dec up thru early april. loooong winter.
things have finally calmed down with the house. just little odds and ends to do, for now. good bit of news, we qualified for a HUD grant for lead abatement on our porches, AND we'll be getting a new heating/hot water system installed. WOO WOO! no more running out of hot water, especially during the loooong winter.
now that the whirlwind of craziness that comes with moving, having an infant and young toddler, fixing up the house and starting a new job has died down. i'm finding it a little lonely up here. i'm really missing my friends. you know who you are. now that i think about it, i haven't made any new ones... yet. even my fellow kings that i perform with, i don't consider them friends, acquaintances yes, friends... no. i guess i really haven't been putting myself out there, but neither have they. as a daddy i can no longer pick up and go at the drop of a hat anymore. thing is i feel the title friend is earned, not just given. everyone i call a friend, they have rightly earned it. i expect certain things from them and they can expect the same of me. maybe i follow an obsolete code of honor, maybe i have unusually high expectations of people, maybe i just have my head up my ass. i dunno.
*sigh* ok should go to bed