Apr 04, 2012 17:49
It's funny how my head works sometimes. It can sometimes freeze up or kicks it into turbohyperdrive on rocketfuel. I knew I fucked up, I always knew.
For some reason today amongst all other days it really hit hard, the sheer magnitude of how much I overlooked. I had one of those moments that was something along the lines of oh my god, I finally get it. If the idea had been any more obvious I'd have a shattered light bulb on my floor.
I realized a lot of things, a lot of things I can see clearly from a different angle. I'm not done yet, but I have a lot written down I'm still sorting through.
I wish I didn't figure this out now, not this late. If I could have seen it a year ago. Two years ago. Damn I wish I had a time machine. The things I would tell myself.
If it wasn't too late.