Status | Pokémon | Inventory

Oct 31, 2021 01:53

Current Location: Goldenrod City
Working At: Unemployed
Traveling With: usedrazorwind
Badges: Zephyr Badge (1/5), Hive Badge (1/30)
Cash Money: 62600p
Updated: 3/21

Rhydon ♂ (Gunnar Horn) | Ground/Rock | Drill Pokémon
Nature/Character: Brave | Good Perseverance
Ability: Lightning Rod (Self-explanatory)
Level: 61
Moves: Horn Attack (Norm) | Tail Whip (Norm) | Stomp (Norm) | Fury Attack (Norm) | Scary Face (Norm) | Rock Blast | Take Down (Norm) | Horn Drill (Norm) | Hammer Arm (Fight) | Stone Edge | Earthquake | Megahorn (Bug)
Details: Met in Violet City at level 5. FLAY'S LOYAL STEED. And by loyal steed, I mean he rides him around by standing on top of him. An aggressive, rash, and fool-hardy Rhyhorn. It has a habit of charging nonstop once it has started, unless Flay places his foot firmly down to make him cease. A leading cause of property damage, for sure. He will also ram headlong into anyone he doesn't know to test their strength, regardless of gender, stature, or screaming in terror. If they stand their ground or manage to deflect him, he will show them utmost respect. If they dodge or avoid him... disrespect. Since evolving, he has become a good deal smarter, being capable of going along with Flay's more ridiculous orders. Still his loyal mount, however, as he continues to ride him around on his back.

Ampharos ♀ (Gunnar Shock) | Electric | Light Pokémon
Nature/Character: Rash | Hates to lose
Ability: Static (30% chance to paralyze when attacked)
Level: 55 *
Moves: Tackle (Norm) | Growl (Norm) | Thundershock (Elec) | Thunder Wave (Elec) | Cotton Spore (Grass) | Charge (Elec) | Thunder Punch | Discharge | Signal Beam (Bug) | Light Screen (Psyc) | Power Gem (Rock) @ 59 | Thunder @ 68
Details: Met on Route 32 at level 5. A dangerous ball of fluff to be certain. A rather aggressive little sheep with a tendency to give off sparks in a threatening manner when not in a good mood. Flay is a rough trainer, so she isn't exactly the happiest little sheep, but since she enjoys battling a good deal, she only gets annoyed and tries to shock him during down time. Evolved on November 24th. Still the same as ever, though now Flay is somewhat displeased with her coloring. Evolved again on December 21st. Finally pleased with her coloring, Flay has eased up on her a bit and they now get along better. She still doesn't like when he goes into training mode though.

Metang (Gunnar Gear) | Steel/Psychic | Iron Leg Pokémon
Nature/Character: Bold | Highly Persistent
Ability: Clear Body (Prevents stat reduction)
Level: 45 **
Moves: Take Down (Norm) | Metal Claw | Confusion | Scary Face | Pursuit (Dark) | Bullet Punch (Steel) | Psychic | Iron Defense | Agility | Hammer Arm (Fight) | Meteor Mash (Steel) @ 53 | Zen Headbutt @ 62 | Hyper Beam @ 71
Details: Hatched Dec. 31st. Taking an upgrade from missile to being hardcore, now that Gunnar Gear can do more than just ram into things at full speed, it is much more dangerous and even more eager to get into battle. Enjoys being dramatic and using fancy finishing moves, as well as going all out and showing no mercy regardless of the level of his foes. Flay has acknowledged his eagerness and trains him regularly, but is making sure to take it at a steady pace along with Gunnar Coil.

Onix ♀ (Gunnar Coil) | Rock/Ground | Rock Snake Pokémon
Nature/Character: Impish | Somewhat Vain
Ability: Sturdy (Prevents 1-hit KO's)
Level: 35 *
Moves: Mud Sport | Tackle | Harden | Bind | Screech | Rock Throw | Rage | Rock Tomb | Sandstorm | Slam | Rock Polish | Dragon Breath
Details: Met in Union Cave at level 6. This gigantic rock snake is, much to Flay's disapproval, pretty much a huffy princess. However, while this rock snake prefers to be pampered and praised rather than train, she will do it, as that is exactly how one earns Flay's approval-- and she is always at her happiest when he praises her. She is also mount #2 should Flay need to give something else a ride.

Gible ♂ (Gunnar Roar) | Dragon/Ground | Land Shark Pokémon
Nature/Character: Brave | Highly Persistant
Ability: Sand Veil
Level: 14 *
Moves: Tackle | Sand-Attack | Dragon Rage | Sandstorm | Take Down @ 15 | Sand Tomb (Ground) @ 19 | Evolves @ 24
Details: Purchased from Hiccup on March 4th, Hatched on March 9th. A aggro little dragon, as if sensing that Flay has a history of engaging the creatures in battle back home, he is none too friendly with Flay. Has a habit of biting him on the arm as an attempt to display his dominance, but Flay will immediately put him in his place with a smack to the fin. It isn't the best relationship. It begrudgingly listens to him, but is slowly learning to respect Flay's strength.

+ 1 Level 10 Ditto for breeding purposes only.
+ 2~3 Beldum eggs in storage.

-- 1 PokéGear
-- 2 Potions
-- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel
-- 1 Escape Rope
-- 4 PokéBalls
-- 1 change of clothes.
-- 1 Hero Mask
-- 3 changes of undergarments
-- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap (this can double as laundry detergent)
-- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
-- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
-- clothes line, 6 clothes pins, and rubber gloves
-- fooooood stuff
-- Trainer Handbook (Includes the Rules, Trainer Tips, a paper copy of the map, as well as a list of "good" berries and food tips for your pokemon)
-- 1 sleeping bag
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