Fox News

Jan 06, 2008 01:30

Some of you may have heard that the New Hampshire Republican Party has withdrawn their support for Fox's "Round Table Discussion" today (Jan 6) in NH for excluding Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter from the discussion.

Well, apparently Fox will do anything in their power to make sure the name Ron Paul does not get heard. Check this out. for an article about the Wyoming caucus.
note the line "“Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul have passed through since September. Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain have not.”

Now look at Fox's interperitation of the same AP article here.
specifically the line that says “Only Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter have passed through since September.”

And Fox's coverage of the ABC debate last night (Jan 5).
The only mention of Ron Paul is "Paul, mounting a quixotic campaign, stuck to his insistence that the war should end."

Or phone polling, and Fox's coverage of the IOWA straw poll (not the caucus) here.

Now tell me. Since Ron Paul raised $20 million in the 4th quarter of 2007, more than any other Republican candidate, and got 10% at the IOWA caucus earlier in the week (better than Giuliani at 4%, and just behind McCain (13%) and Thompson (13%))... I have to ask you. Do you think FOX news is "Fair and Balanced"?
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