Well now, not that I venture out to Moorestown and really have no horse in this race, but I can understand both sides, Moorestown Mall is too close to other malls that have restaurants they have liquor licenses, Cherry Hill Mall is maybe 15 Minutes away in heavy rush hour traffic and Deptford is not far either.
Moorestown liquor vote riles both sides | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/23/2011 With the New Zealand All Blacks winning the Rugby Union World Cup
New Zealand Edge France to Win Second World Cup - NYTimes.com It Is time for the Rugby League World Cup
Young U.S. team aims to qualify for 2013 Rugby League World Cup | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/23/2011 My Father was always a Chevy man, but then he did work for GM; Money quote “They don’t write songs about Volvos.”
Chevrolet - Unlikely Cornerstone for General Motors - NYTimes.com Okay, here is some background.
Herman Cain, Running as Outsider, Came to Washington as Lobbyist - NYTimes.com And I just thought this was interesting;
Are Drones Creating a New Global Arms Race? - ABC News Finally for your listening pleasure:
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