I did it.
I'm sixteen.
This is what I'm feeling:
But at the same time, I feel like this:
Because that's when I realized that I'm not growing up...I'm aging. I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!
But on another note, I love how everyone was so nice to me. I realize that this is a part of what happens during Womb Emancipation Days (credits for this wording goes to another Silver) but I still can't help but feel warm and fuzzy when people give me hugs and are happy that I am alive. *goes of into loser-trance*
I got this BAMF
bad baby for my big 16th birthday present along with a bunch of smaller stuffs that my mother bought me (bless her, she's the most amazing mother in the entire Mulitverse, I swear it!). And it's a tablet so I can draw you all (by you all I mean the internet...I need a name for you; I'm gonna go do that soon) mind-blowing crappy drawings to help you understand my gibberish.
But I also recently got a Tumblr.
That. Site. Is. Addicting. It's worse than heroin. And I know heroin because I did an entire project on it.
I am also on a quest to find some makeup. "Why?" you ask? Why would Prat want to buy something that is probably tested on animals in China, is disastrous to my skin and completely damages my natural look?
Simple: Imma cosplaya~
I'm kidnapping anyone in my school who displays even the slightest of Otaku and dragging them to AnimeNEXT with me. And it's going to be glorious. So I'm gonna buy a bunch of makeup stuffs to make me look semi-decent so I don't embarrass my friends. =P
On a side note (again) I've come to realize that a lot of my friends are going through a hard time lately. Each of them has a different problem and it sucks because there is not a lot I can do. What sucks even more is that I really wish I could do something because this is the first time I felt so protective of them. So please Eddie (I finally named the Internet) tell other people to be nice to people around them so that they can have a less of a hard time. Really, it makes a difference.
And...DEAR LORD IN HEAVEN, HELP ME! I'm reading The Great Gatsby by the androgynous F. Scott Fitzgerald and I'm slashing.
I'm going to repeat that: I'm slashing. Gatsby x Nick
I am such a loser.
Happy Birthday to me~
Until I feel the need to talk again, Eddie~