Mar 16, 2005 07:51
soo i got up this morning thinkin oh god another day at school... and then had to go early to go talk to Mr.Hickman.. god he shure talks some sence into me all the time. I never thought i'd get to this point in my life just what ive gone through and stuff its good to know i have someone to talk to about everything just like a dad .. because now i dont have my dad ((always working)) and like always my mom always working. But hey i cant do ne thing about that, He reasured that i keep my head up high and work SMARTER. hehe cool ehh? and really i think i could. And im gonna stop thinking about being with Tyler and what could or what have been .. im sick of it and the more and more i think about it the more it breaks me down.
So hey i need to start all over and think of the future and me .. no guys right now just me. Maybee this is the reality check i needed.
Today im gonna try and be happy. Not mad or depressed just happy. Not let anything get to me. Lets see how this goes haha
::Have a good dayy::