Dec 04, 2010 16:46
[OOC: The mission is open to anyone who wants to assist -- you just have to find a way to Gusty Gulch somehow to be able to take part.]
[The wind is as strong as ever as it kicks sand up along the entirety of the gulch. The old windmill is spinning rapidly, though whatever it provides power to is unknown. The area is surprisingly empty, with no sign of the usual Goombas or Clefts that once inhabited this harsh place; even the blocks that had been abandoned around have been buried or destroyed by the severe, biting wind that has infected the entire place.
An abandoned town lies roughly in the center of this place, though there are signs of a group of someones having lived there at some point. Right now, however, it has returned to the state it must have been in for so long, and not a soul can be seen or heard in the ruined buildings.
Just past the town can be seen a large, looming castle. The land around it seems completely dead, even for an area like this, and a heavy feel of danger and foreboding surrounds it, though nothing seems to even move around its walls. The heavy doors are firmly locked, and no amount of force seems to be able to get them open.]
[harry potter] remus lupin,
[sonic] finitevus,
[mario] npcs