Mar 03, 2007 01:28
Welp the time has come...
Its a strange feeling with all my stuff scattered throughout the house right now and knowing its my last night here for a long time. I'm gonna miss my kitties! = (
Its a wonderful feeling tho to know that I am going to finally be independent and closer to my damn work.
I mean going from a 2 hour + commute that involves driving almost an hour and bart an hour to a HALF HOUR bart ride simply can't be beat!
As of tomorrow I shall call San Bruno my new home for a year...
This week has sucked a lot at work with it being incredibly busy and stressful and im so tired but knowing I will have a new place to call home is exciting and a little scary too but I will be rooming with a great friend of mine so I'll adjust and it will be great.
I'll be posting pictures later in the week when we get the "tubes" setup.
For now I go to bed on the sofa!
Night! = P
big move day