Aug 06, 2007 22:50
ok so its official. my family is fuckin in fuckin sane! i hate all of those mother fuckers with a passion, straight down to my grandma. fuck that stupid bitch! i hope they all rot in hell together...i know the devil already has front of the line passes for them. i dont think they would even like heaven. but then again they are so full of shit that i wouldnt be suprised if they got in and if they did it would only be to say they were there. orrrr to see the other people in there lives that for some reason stayed their friend. fuck fuck fuck fuck you alll you pieces of shit! i hope i never have to see those fake mother fuckers again!!!!! i wish i could take my parents and run away! i really really wish that and this isnt the first time so i know im not going crazy. why are people so fake? and why do people disown you for something you did but turn around and do it them selves? i have so much anger inside me right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill let them all go love those fuckin douche bags that are on coke and fuckin speed and every other drug you can think of and tell im crazy for calling them psycho paths...i dont know where they even heard that. but if i really did say that i was being nice...fuck you all you make me sick!